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Forming a New Church in Whatcom County
During the fall of 1970 and the early part of 1971, delegates from the Christian Reformed Churches of Lynden and Bellingham met several times in discussion for the purpose of forming a new congregation. Almost from the beginning it was the consensus of the group that if a new congregation was organized and a congregation formed it should be located somewhere other than in Lynden. At one time there was a little thought given of locating in or near Ferndale but that lacked support. There was thought from the beginning of locating a new congregation in the Laurel area. Members and families of the different Christian Reformed churches living in the area south of Lynden and in the Laurel area were contacted for the purpose of determining the feelings or thoughts of these people toward a new congregation in the area and if they would be interested in being a part of a new congregation. Some study and research also took place in an attempt to determine the anticipated growth of the area between Lynden and Bellingham, concentrating on the Laurel area. -adapted from the Tenth Anniversary Booklet - July, 1986 The four Lynden Christian Reformed Churches joined together to give a gift of $28,000 to the new church. |
In 1970, 5 local CRC Churches formed a Long Range Planning Committee to see about forming a 6th CRC church out in the county.
Committee members
Committee Members First CRC Mr. Carl Kortlever Mr. Dewey Vander Stoep Third CRC Mr. Ed Roosma Mr. Leonard Bode Second CRC Mr. Eyert Van Loo Mr. Paul Breen Bethel CRC Mr. Marion Schouten Mr. Lou Post Bellingham CRC Mr. S. Kingma Mr. Paul Matter First committee meeting minutes
First Long Range Committee Meeting Minutes 1) The meeting was called to order at 8:15PM and opened with prayer by Pastor J. Batts 2) It was moved, supported and carried to request the Second Christian Reformed Church to appoint two delegates to future meetings of this committee, thus bringing all the churches to equal representation. 3) It was moved, supported and carried to authorize a long-range planning study of Christian Reformed families living outside the city limits of the cities of Lynden and Bellingham with a view to establishing priorities for a future church. In view of the financial and building planning of the Bellingham church, this study is to be completed within one year. Mr. Robert Nonhof will secure an adequate map. Mr. Vander Stoep will secure some sort, of celotex backing for the map. Multi colored pins will also be procured. 4) It was moved, supported, and carried to request all the consistories represented to grant permission for their directory to be used in this study. 5) It was moved, supported, and carried to request the four Lynden CRC churches to provide $10 each to pay for costs incurred in these meetings. Moneys are to be sent to Marion Schouten. 6) It was moved, supported, and carried to ask each representative of the various churches represented to provide the consistories with monthly reports of the proceedings of the Long Range Planning meetings. Written reports of each meeting will be provided for that purpose. It was also suggested that meetings be scheduled in the first week of the month so that reports will be in hand by the night each consistory holds its full meeting. 7) It was moved, supported, and carried that each committee invite their pastor to attend any and all sessions of the Long Range Planning Committee. "Each committee" mentioned above refers to the two men who represent each church involved in the Long Range Planning Committee.) 8) The following were elected as officers: Chairman - Leonard Bode Secretary Treasurer - Mr. Marion Schouten 9) The first meeting of the Long Range Planning Committee adjourned with prayer at 9:20 p.m. The next meeting was scheduled for Monday, October 5 at Bethel Church at 8PM. Dear friends - A letter written to each of the Local CRC Congregations
Dear Friends, At a meeting held on February 15, 1971 in the Bethel Christian Reformed Church basement approximately 35 families signed their names expressing an interest in the establishment of a Christian Reformed Church in the Meridian District. Because of the number of families residing in the Meridian District, and due to the fact that many of those families have indicated an interest in a Christian Reformed Church in that area, the Long Range Planning Committee is calling a meeting to be held Monday, April 12, 1971, at 8:00 P.M. in the Bethel Christian Reformed Church basement, for the purpose of signing a petition to be sent to Classis for organization of a Christian Reformed Church in the Meridian District. Questions you may have in regard to the establishment of a Christian Reformed Church will be discussed at this meeting. Your presence at this meeting will be appreciated. If you are interested but unable to attend the meeting Monday evening please contact one of the committee members listed below. Sincerely, Leonard Bode, Chairman Marion Schouten, Secretary |
Steering Committee Minutes - 1971
May 26, 1971
Meeting Held at 2nd CRC Article 1 Meeting was opened in prayer by Pastor Batts, who brought Acts 4:12, and Psalm 127:1 to the attention of the group. Article 2 A general discussion of related problems confronting the Steering Committee followed. The advice of classis was given that property purchase should be guided by, 1. location of members, 2. evangelism potential in the community. The advice of the Second Christian Reformed Church was to elect temporary officers in the Steering Committee first, and then plan an early organizational meeting to elect elders and deacons. The Second Christian Reformed Church consistory also advises further planning of property and finance committees and other committees be handled thru the organized consistory. Article 3 Balloting elected Simon Kingma as chairman, A.L. Plagerman as secretary, and Jack Appel as treasurer. Article 4 Discussion concerning the following:
Article 5 Henry Mans was appointed to investigate various places of worship and report at the next meeting. Article 6 Simon Kingma and A.L. Plagerman will investigate the possibility of getting a Seminary student for the summer. Article 7 Motion made and supported to send a copy of the Steering Committee minutes to all members for their information. Motion carried. Article 8 All members wishing to become "Charter Member” should be at the organizational meeting and must have charter member certificates which would serve as a letter of dismission from their present church. The Steering Committee is working out the details of a suitable form for this purpose which would be made available to all consistories. Certificates can be mailed to the undersigned secretary or delivered in person to organizational meeting. Article 9 Motion made and supported to appoint George Visser to investigate the details concerning Articles of Incorporation. Motion carried. Article 10 Joe DeWaard and Jack Appel were appointed to serve on a finance committee and to check into such things as Funds for Needy Churches. Article 11 Motion made and supported to request Second Christian Reformed Church to be set up as a temporary receiving agency for funds received for the new church before it is organized. Motion carried. Article 12 Motion made and supported to have the next Steering Committee meeting on June 9, 1971, at the Second Christian Reformed Church parsonage at 8:00 P.M. Motion carried. Article 13 Advice was given by the Second Christian Reformed Church to encourage all members to begin making their church contribution to their new church. Article 14 Meeting adjourned. Closing prayer by Simon Kingma. June 9, 1971
Article 1 Chairman Simon Kingma opened the meeting with scripture from Revelations 21 and prayer. Article 2 Minutes of the May 26, 1971 meeting were read and approved. Article 3 Henry Mans reported on places of worship. He stated he had contacted the Meridian School Superintendent and board members and would know more after their meeting on June 14, 1971. He also contacted Mr. Miller of the Ten Mile Grange. They will also be meeting soon and will decide. However, both places were quite certain something could be worked out. Table until next meeting. Article 4 George Visser reported information received concerning Articles of Incorporation. A sample copy was reviewed. Procedures and requirements were discussed. The committee recommended he contact Wm. Roetsensunder from Seattle who apparently is an expert on this matter. Article 5 The Finance committee reported on availability of funds from the F.N.C. Also had necessary forms, etc. Article 6 Rev. Batts reported on availability of ministers. Several possibilities exist but perhaps the most likely would be to start with a Seminary Student, one who apparently is interested for the first four weeks. Article 7 Due to the lack of time, it was decided to issue "Charter Member Certificates at a later date. However all signed up members must have a membership certificate from their church sent to the undersigned secretary before June 25, 1971. (Contact your consistories soon.) Article 8 Motion mode and supported to hold the organizational meeting June 28, 1971, 8:00 P.M. at the Second Christian Reformed Church. Motion carried. Article 9 Motion made and supported that, election be by ballot from the floor for members of the consistory. Motion carried. Article 10 Motion made and supported to recommend to the membership that there be elected four elders and 3 deacons. Motion carried. Article 11 Motion made and supported to have all confessing members be eligible to vote at organizational meetings. Motion carried. Article 12 Motion made and supported to recommend to the membership to begin church services on July 18, 1971, morning services only. Motion carried. Article 13 Motion made and supported to recommend to the membership that Sunday School begin at 10:00 A.M. and worship services at 11:00 A.M. Motion carried. Article 14 The committee recommends that all members have their own Psalter Hymnal until a permanent Church is obtained. Article 15 Reminders: A. Pray for this new church. B. Begin making your contributions to the new church. (Checks should be made payable to the Second Christian Reformed Church and clearly marked for the new Church. C. Bring your suggestions for a Church name. Article 16 Next Steering Committee Meeting will be held June 20, 1971 at 2:30 PM at Simon Kingma’s home. Article 17 Meeting adjourned. Closing prayer by Henry Mans. June 20, 1971
Article 1 Chairman Simon Kingma opened meeting with prayer. Article 2 Rev. Batts presented a proposed agenda for the Organizational Meeting. Article 3 Motion made and supported to recommend to the membership that the Articles of Incorporation be adopted, as drawn, at the Organizational Meeting. Article 4 Suggested the consistory acknowledge the gift of drawing up the Articles of Incorporation made by Mr. Roetsensunder, Attorney. Article 5 Motion made and supported to have the secretary read the names of all Charter Communicant and Baptized Members of the Organizational Meeting. Article 6 Henry Mans reported the Ten Mile Grange is available for Sunday Services. Also reported the Meridian Grade School would try to work out something if we were unable to obtain another suitable place. Motion made and supported to recommend the membership to begin holding services at the Ten Mile Grange located at the corner of Pole Road and Hannegan. Article 7 Mr. Kingma reported on ministers who will be able to help with conducting worship services. Article 8 Second Christian Reformed Church will arrange Organizational Meeting programs etc. Rev. Batts will contact other pastors who will be taking parts in the service. Article 9 Meeting adjourned. Closing prayer by Jack Appel. Consistory Meeting Minutes - 1971
June 30, 1971
Minutes of Our First Consistory Meeting Held At The Home of Henry Mans on June 30, 1971 Meeting was opened by the reading of the Scripture passage I Corinthians 13, and comments on the importance of love by our counselor Rev. Batts. Followed by prayer by Simon Kingma. Article 1 Election of Officers were as follows. Vice President: Henry Mans Clerk: Simon Kingma Records Clerk: Jack Appel Treasurer: Arlyn Plagerman Assistant Treasurer: George Visser Secretary of Deacons: Pete Speelman Article 2 A discussion was held as to when to begin and close our fiscal year, Treasurer Arlyn Plagerman was to come with a recommendation at the next meeting. Article 3 After discussion the 18th of July was decided upon to be the date for Installation of Elders and Deacons. Article 4 Various committees were appointed as follows. Pulpit Suoply, Henry Mans and Simon Kingma. Sacraments, Joe DeWaard and Pete Speelman. Property Planning, Simon Kingma, George Visser, and Robert Nonhoff. Facilities, Tim Storteboom. (This to for our stay in the Grange Hall.) Music, Mrs, Junior Kleinhuizen and Mrs. George Visser with Jack Appel acting as Consistory Representative. Usher Committee, Maurice Beld to act as head usher with George Visser as Consistory Representative Bulletin, Frances Speelman with Henry Mans as Consistory Representative. Directory, Mrs. Joe DeWaard, and Mrs. Larry Bode. Evangelism, Henry Mans, and George Visser. They were instructed to bring additional names and also a recommendation for Sunday School Superintendent to our next meeting. Article 5 A motion was made and supported to include all those as charter members who were present at our Organizational Meeting who still desired to join. Motion carried. Article 6 All consistory members were instructed to come to our next consistory meeting with suggestions for the order of worship. Article 7 A meeting date of July 3, 1971 at the George Visser home was set for the purpose of nominations for a pastor. The type of nomination to be decided at this meeting. Article 8 A Congregational meeting for the purpose of electing a pastor to place on call was set for July 18, 1971 at 10:00 a.m. prior to our worship service. Article 9 Treasurer Arlyn Plagerman asked advice on collection handling methods. His suggestion of bank bags was found acceptable. Article 10 A motion was made and supported to begin evening services on July 25, 1971. The time was to be decided at our Congregational Meeting. Article 11 Motion made and supported to give all communicant members the opportunity to vote in our congregational meetings. Motion carried. Article 12 Motion made to adjourn. Jack Appel closed in prayer. July 3, 1971
Minutes of Consistory Meeting. Held at the home of George Visser on July 3, 1971 Scripture passage Matthew 9 beginning at verse 35 was read and commented upon, followed by prayer by Pastor Batts. Article 1 Motion made and supported to hold the sacrament of Holy Baptism on our first service July 18, 1971 for the infant baby of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cobb. Motion carried. Article 2 Jack Appel and Henry Mans reported on the calls they made in regards to the candidates to the ministry. Article 3 Motion made and supported to make up a trio for nomination. Motion carried. Article 4 Candidates John Vander Borgh, and Neal Plantinga were chosen on the first vote. Article 5 Motion made and supported to add the mane of Rev. Kermit Rietema from Denver, Colorado to complete the trio. Motion carried. Article 6 It was moved and supported to ask George Migchelbrink to be our Sunday School Superintendent with Pete Zylstra as his assistant. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned with George Visser closing in prayer. Charter membership list
As found on our Dedication Announcement:
We are a Reformed Church tracing our tradition and history back to the Protestant Reformation. We hold to and emphasize the following truths:
We are a Reformed Church tracing our tradition and history back to the Protestant Reformation. We hold to and emphasize the following truths:
- That the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
- That the Bible is an open Book for all to read and understand.
- That the cornerstone of living faith is: "By grace are you saved through faith," Ephesians 2:5
Site Dedication
Beloved in the Lord, we rejoice that God put into the hearts of His people to break this ground to the glory of His name. I now set it apart for the building of Mt. View CRC.
Let us, therefore, as we are assembled, solemnly dedicate this site to its proper and sacred uses.
To the glory of God, the Father, who has called us by His Grace;
To the Honor of His Son, who loved us and gave Himself for us;
To the praise of the Holy Spirit, who illuminates and sanctifies us.
For the worship of God in prayer and praise; for the preaching of Christ's gospel, for the celebration of the Lord's Supper and Holy Baptism.
For the comfort of all who mourn, for strength to those who are tempted; for light for those who seek the way.
For the strengthening of family life, for teaching and guiding our youth, for the preaching of the gospel of Christ.
For the conversion of sinners, for the promotion of righteousness and justice, for the extension of the kingdom of God, and as a witness to and as servants for our community.
Let us, therefore, as we are assembled, solemnly dedicate this site to its proper and sacred uses.
To the glory of God, the Father, who has called us by His Grace;
To the Honor of His Son, who loved us and gave Himself for us;
To the praise of the Holy Spirit, who illuminates and sanctifies us.
For the worship of God in prayer and praise; for the preaching of Christ's gospel, for the celebration of the Lord's Supper and Holy Baptism.
For the comfort of all who mourn, for strength to those who are tempted; for light for those who seek the way.
For the strengthening of family life, for teaching and guiding our youth, for the preaching of the gospel of Christ.
For the conversion of sinners, for the promotion of righteousness and justice, for the extension of the kingdom of God, and as a witness to and as servants for our community.