We'd love for you join us!!
Our Worship is casual yet with a traditional feel and a strong emphasis on Biblical preaching.
Our Worship is casual yet with a traditional feel and a strong emphasis on Biblical preaching.
Morning Service-10:30
Led by low-key praise teams, we worship God with a blend of contemporary and traditional songs, followed by a message from the Pastor. While we typically observe a general order of worship, we are flexible to how the Holy Spirit leads.
Refreshments & fellowship are always available in the Fellowship Hall following the service.
Evening Service - 6:00
Basically following the same format as the morning, the evening service is less formal and includes a time of prayer with requests from the congregation.
On the third Sunday of every month,
we have a special time of refreshments and fellowship.
we have a special time of refreshments and fellowship.
If you arrive at Mt. View 15 minutes before start time
and the parking lot is empty,
don't worry, you don't have the wrong time,
you've just encountered Mt. View time!
We're faithful but rarely early.
and the parking lot is empty,
don't worry, you don't have the wrong time,
you've just encountered Mt. View time!
We're faithful but rarely early.
Really, it's your heart rather than your dress that is important, however, if you're wondering about the typical dress in our church, here it is. Casual and traditional. Some are more comfortable dressing up, it is their way of honoring God. Some feel more comfortable worshiping God in jeans and a t-shirt. Whichever way you feel comfortable, you are welcome.
Finding Your Way Around
Upon entering the church, you'll be greeted at the door by a couple of church members and the hum of friendly conversation. If you have young children, infant to 3 yrs, and feel they would be more comfortable in our nursery, head to your left. Otherwise, head to your right where you'll find the sanctuary.
Just inside the sanctuary door on a book shelf, you'll find Bibles, Hymnals (song books), bulletins and even children's bulletins. Feel free to grab a bulletin and a Bible if you don't have your own and grab a hymnal/song book if needed (a small sign will let you know). Most often our songs are projected up on a screen so while we still sing hymns along with the contemporary worship songs, the hymnals/song books aren't often needed. |
Church Layout